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Published: September 14, 2020

How Do I Know Which Hoarded Items to Keep?

Deciding which belongings to keep and which ones to discard can be difficult for someone who hoards. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), people hoard because they feel an item will be valuable or useful in the future. They may also believe the item holds sentimental value, is irreplaceable, and too great of a bargain to get rid of.

Some people may experience anxiety when attempting to discard hoarded personal possessions, which can make cleaning their home challenging.

If you’re unsure which hoarded items you should keep, read on for some tips to help you get started:

Keep the belongings you use.

If you haven’t used it in six months to a year, there’s a chance the item will continue collecting dust for many more years. Keep the belongings you use, but consider donating clothes that don’t fit or you never wear, obsolete appliances and electronics, outdated reading materials, CDs and DVDs that are never played, and kitchen gadgets that never leave the cabinet.

Think about how the things you no longer use can help someone else in need – this positive thought and act of goodwill may help you with the tough process.

Organize one drawer or closet at a time, and then decide.

Cleaning out one small section of your home at a time can make your tidying project a lot easier to tackle! Separate everything into different piles to help you figure out what you’d like to keep or discard. Give yourself permission to let go of the belongings you never use and hold onto the ones you do.

Focus on the end goal of a beautifully organized home. Whether you’re using shelving units or storage bins, make sure everything that’s in the pile you’re keeping has a place to be neatly stored.

If it brings you joy… keep it!

Hold onto belongings that bring you happiness or you associate with a special memory.

As Marie Kondo says in The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, “The best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one’s hand and ask: ‘Does this spark joy?’ If it does, keep it.”

Does someone you love hoard? Learn how you can offer them a helping hand and support here.

Want to find out how UnderCut Junk Removal can help you clean your home? Learn about our hoarding cleanup services at undercutjunkremoval.com, or call us for a free estimate at 516-317-6203.

Schedule a FREE onsite estimate today.

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