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Published: October 19, 2020

Can Clearing Out Your Hoarded Belongings Save You Money?

Getting rid of clutter can be very difficult for hoarders. According to the International OCD Foundation, hoarders may experience strong negative feelings such as guilt, fear, and anger when considering getting rid of their items. In fact, hoarders can often be in denial of a problem, even if the clutter begins to interfere with their lives and others’ lives.

If you or someone you love struggles with compulsive hoarding, it may bring you some courage and peace of mind in knowing that clearing out hoarded possessions can potentially help you save money. Read on to find out how:

You won’t be spending extra money on unneeded items.

Compulsive hoarders sometimes tend to purchase items because they believe they’re an unbeatable bargain or rare find. Although these belongings that pile up around the home seem insignificant and invaluable to an outsider, the person who hoards may perceive them as useful and valuable.

Hoarding adds up and can really take a financial toll! Reducing the amount of your belongings and tidying your home can help you save money, especially when you’re not continuously adding to the piles.

You’ll be able to figure out what belongings you’ll use.

You can’t get use out of items that are buried at the bottom of fully packed storage bins. Donating clothes that don’t fit or you no longer wear, obsolete electronics, outdated reading materials, and CDs and DVDs that are never played can help you find the items that you would actually use.

Avoid hanging onto items that you think you may use in the future, but haven’t in years. Keeping the items you’re positive you’ll use now can help reduce expenses.

Rebuying stuff you already own will be a thing of the past.

When you begin clearing out hoarded items, you might realize you own some duplicates. Keeping a messy home with countless storage containers and piles makes it easy to forget what you’ve already bought, causing you to waste money by purchasing duplicates. You can cut the costs of accidentally rebuying items by figuring out what you already own and what can be donated.

If you’re struggling with compulsive hoarding, know that you’re not alone. The OCD Foundation recommends joining a support group and/or teaming up with a coach who can help.

Want to find out how UnderCut Junk Removal can help you clean your home? Find out about our hoarding cleanup services at undercutjunkremoval.com, or call us for a free estimate at 516-317-6203.

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